Apr 8, 2019
Minnesota Report In the 2000s, first during the Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) when Rep Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) was House Majority Leader, Republicans began looking at government in a unique way. This was the 2003-04 Buget. They only acknowledged inflation on the revenue...
Apr 8, 2019
Minnesota Report In the 1980s, the cost of tuition was based on the state of Minnesota providing one-third of the cost of instruction. Now, it was often a challenge especially in bad economic times, but at least with this, as a rule, people knew what they could expect...
Apr 8, 2019
Minnesota Report As we listen to the debate of whether the state should continue the Health Care Providers Tax, we keep hearing the argument because there is nothing else. This is not true. We have discussed the idea of a tax on sugar on high fructose-based products....
Apr 5, 2019
Minnesota Report Starting Monday, the House Ways and Means Committee will be acting on many of the Omnibus bills. The agenda for the forthcoming meetings shows intended action starting with HF2400 the Omnibus E-12 Finance bill and ending with HF2125 Tax Conformity. ...
Apr 4, 2019
Minnesota Report Last night, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) took an unprecedented move and delivered a State of the State Address during his first year in office and without the use of a teleprompter or fully written text. He told people he wanted to deliver his message...
Mar 29, 2019
Minnesota Report Yesterday, the final leg of the tripartite Proposed Budget Stool was released by the Republican Senate Majority. In their Proposed Budget Targets, they clearly are holding the line on any spending that exceeds a basic increase by the rate of...
Mar 26, 2019
Minnesota Report 2:40 p.m. Update: The House just released a Governor and House comparison. 2019 Budget House-Gov spending & revenue comparisons_1 Yesterday, the Minnesota House Majority put forward their 2020-21 Budget Targets. House Speaker Melissa Hortman...
Mar 25, 2019
Minnesota Report On Friday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) met with reporters to field questions after unveiling his newly revised budget in a reflection of the February Revenue Forecast, which projected $492 million less in revenue for 2019-20. The revised budget called...
Mar 22, 2019
Minnesota Report With the February Revenue Forecast projecting $492 million less than in November, today Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) will be announcing adjustments to his budget. We understand the initial reception was met with some trepidation in the MNSCU system and...
Mar 19, 2019
National Report With the current list of 2020 Democratic candidates being sixteen long, with at least one more (former Vice-President Joe Biden) waiting in the wings, the activities for winnowing the field will be quite strenuous. The ability for any candidate to...