What’s Old is New Again with Advertising in Local Media

National and Minnesota Report In 1942, when the nation’s manufacturing industry was focused on production for the war effort the Advertising Council, Inc was formed then renamed The War Advertising Council, Inc and it initially produced advertising on enlistment into...

Results of Trump’s Provision of Hydroxychloroquine, Veterans Deaths

National Report This is unconscionable, the Department of Veteran Affairs has released preliminary results of it trial of Hydroxychloroquine and Erythromycin on patients in the VA and it shows a higher mortality rate. Outcomes of hydroxychloroquine usage in United...

Minnesota Moonshot

Minnesota Report One way to wade out of this COVID-19 pandemic is to utilize our domestic resources. Yesterday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) announced a partnership between the University of Minnesota, the Mayo Clinic and the Minnesota Department of Health on COVID-19...

Schools to Remain Closed for the Year

Minnesota Report By all appearances Minnesota schools will not be reopened for the 2020 school year.  Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) is expected to announce this later today. This will extend his Stay at Home Order past May 4th and provide additional anxiety to...

During the COVID-19 Pandemic Don’t Forget About Veterans

Minnesota Report Prior to the start of the stay at home order, Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle was set to have a face-to-face meeting, which became a conference call and then a cancellation with MN Housing and Finance Commissioner Jennifer Leimaile Ho.The...

Federal Candidate Filings and Leadership PACS (MN)

Federal Report The reports for federal candidates show an interesting picture in Q1 of the election cycle. We have list all candidates who have filed. US Senate name office_full party_full state receipts disbursements cash_on_hand_end_period debts_owed_by_committee...

Alcohol From Restaurant to You

Minnesota Report  The House and the Senate have agreed to allow alcohol sales to be purchased from restaurants, during the COVID-19 crisis, but only beer and wine. The problem with this is with liquor stores still open the cost will be higher without an added benefit,...