Trump Contracts COVID-19

National Report Donald J Trump and first lady Melania, have both contracted COVID-19/Corona virus. They are now quarantined and in isolation. Yesterday morning, news reports starting with Bloomberg, confirmed Presidential advisor Hope Hicks, who had been on Air Force...

Craig Files Suit to Maintain November Election Date

Minnesota and National Report   Today, Congresswoman Angie Craig (D-MN02) a suit to over turn the action by Secretary of State Steve Simon (DFL-MN). Article I of the US Constitution states “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and...

All Eyes on RBG (RIP)

National and Minnesota Report At the same moment Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lies in state as the first woman, and first Jewish woman, to do so we contemplate what brought us to this situation. While generations of women commonly combine their affection...

Trump Fosters QAnon, and We See Signs of It in MN

Minnesota and National Report Attention is being given to Republican candidates who are showing a sympathy to QAnon. This should not be a surprise since Donald J Trump (R) has spoken favorably about the movement because, “They like me very much.”  This radical fringe...

On Wisconsin

Minnesota and Wisconsin Report It’s usually hard for someone from Minnesota to say anything good about Wisconsin, but this year the electoral results of the Badger State are very significant. If Donald J Trump  loses in the state to our east, he will likely lose...

While Siberia Burns Putin Fiddles Around

Minneasota and National Report Yesterday, FBI Director Charles Wray, testified before the House Homeland Security Committee and confirmed the Russian is playing an active role in trying to influence our elections. The Russian Trolls and spoofed websites are continuing...

Feehan Should Push Hagedorn on COVID, Hard

Minnesota and National Report In this election, every race is not about the actual competitors, it’s about Donald J Trump (R) .Since the 1st Congressional District is home to the prestigious Mayo Clinic, and because of the significance of it in the region both...