More Names in the Fourth

More names are emerging in the contest to replace Congressman Bruce Vento (D-MN04). Mary Rosenthal is a labor activist, originally from the Duluth area, who is being talked about in labor circles as a potential labor candidate on the DFL side for the 4th Congressional...

Justifiable Primary Challenge

Since the DFL Precinct caucuses are going the way of the Dodo Bird and the Passenger Pigeon discussions are beginning that are developing a rationalization for a primary challenge on the DFL side in both the 4th Congressional District and for US Senate. With this...

In the Bank

The unexpected departure by Congressman Bruce Vento (D0MN04) has resulted in a sizable campaign surplus in the Vento for Congress account. Currently, there is nearly $290,000 in the bank. The changes in the law prevent Vento from converting the money for his own use...

The Vento Legacy

In 1976, Congressman Bruce Vento (D-MN04) survived a multi-candidate primary while carrying the mantle of the DFL endorsement. He went on from that victory to become one of the best advocates for the environment and the National Park system since President Theodore...

From a Party of One To a Party of None

Today at 1:00 pm Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) has scheduled a press conference to announce his intentions regarding the National Reform Party. There are speculations far and wide that he will be leaving the organization. That will reduce the total number of high...

Unicameral Conundrum

The Republican members of the Minnesota State House are receiving mixed messages from two of their leaders. On February 7th, Republican Party Chair Ron Eibensteiner sent out a letter to Republican legislators informing them that “the Republican Central...

A Single Committee Debates a Single House

The Unicameral vote in the state House Government Operations & Veteran’s Affairs Policy Committee has been postponed until Monday. This committee will be the sole body that deals with this issue before it heads to the House floor. Normally a bill like this, which...

4th Congressional District Election Supplement

The attention being given the jockeying in the 4th Congressional District is providing good political drama for the varieties of wonks, armchair pundits, and party activists. Everyone who is a candidate or a presumptive candidate is finding unique ways to convince...

Another Political Carlson

Lars Carlson, a long time executive with H B Fuller and person who called the shots for the Gubernatorial election in 1990 and re-election in 1994 of his older brother former Governor Arne Carlson (R-MN) is considering a political bid of his own. The younger Carlson...

Miles, Where are you coming from?

More than one person read the Star Tribune editorials with a quizzical look on their faces on Wednesday. The reason was a letter to the editor from US Candidate Dr Steve Miles. In an opinion, which seemed to weigh in on the South Carolina Confederate Flag debate Miles...