The Politics of Regent Selection

Our analysis of last night’s joint committee is as follows.  There were five different elections, an overall political strategy for both sides and numerous subplots. After the politics of the rules fight the true colors of the evening festivities spread like the...

Do I Really Want to be a Regent?

This is the question some of the candidates at last nights joint meeting of the State House and Senate Education Committees must have been asking themselves.  The final decision was reached shortly after 11:00 PM.  The evening began with a rules fight of sorts when...

Call Her Batgirl

Last night, armed with only a cell phone DFL Party Communications Director Karen Louise Boothe helped to catch an armed robber. She witnessed the suspect rip off the Subway at 13th St and Hennepin Avenue and jump into a cab. She followed along and saw the 10 police...

From Lobbyist to Partner

John Choi has made a fast transition from lawyer/lobbyist to partner with Kennedy & Graven Law firm.  He made the step up in less than 6 years.  Seems like he left Hessian, McKasy & Soderberg only a short time ago.  We congratulate Choi on his success…....

Beware the Unintended Consequences

We can guarantee there will be a reaction to the issue of racial profiling and it won’t be one people affected by this will like.  The current issue of is whether or not law enforcement officials pull people over for “driving while black.”  While this may be true,...

Changes in the Benanav Campaign

The first thing people latch onto during the campaign cycle is a good rumor. This is generally the fodder for political insiders and hacks.   One such a rumor came our way yesterday.  It was about the departure of David Colling from the Jay Benanav campaign.  The...

The Impact of Impact Week

If you would like to assess the impact of Impact Week by the various members of Minnesota tribal government you could first start with the agenda of the event.  On Monday, Governor Ventura traveled to Prairie Island to meet with the elected tribal leadership. On...

The 2001 Regents Selection

When legislators from the fifth congressional district decided that they would not support either of the two candidates recommended by the Regent Candidate Advisory Council, they wedged opened the door for more possibilities.  The decision to reject the nomination of...

Bostrom Withdraws

Word went out on Monday that St Paul City Council Member Dan Bostrom (DFL-Ward 06) would no longer be pursuing a bid for Mayor of St Paul.  He has made the decision to stand by his wife Rosie as she takes on a fight of her own with cancer.  We commend Bostrom for...

New AG Hire

On Monday, Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) took a different step than his predecessor in relations to the Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi law firm. Instead of contracting them for a specific case Hatch lured away one of their attorney’s to assist the state in...