Dutcher Speaking at National Venue

On July 15th, State Auditor Judi Dutcher (D-MN) will be in Indianapolis, IN for a meeting of the Democratic Leadership Council and will be part of a panel discussion with Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Maryland, Chair, DLC Statewide Elected Officials Network;...

Blakey Files for Mayor

Today, during the noon hour, Councilmember Jerry Blakey (R-Ward 01, St Paul) officially filed as a candidate for mayor. On Tuesday evening, 37 self-identified Republicans in the city of St. Paul met to endorse a candidate for mayor. On a nearly a unanimous first...

Speaking with the Speaker

We sat down with House Speaker Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) to query him about the results of the Special Session. C&B: The Governor always gets the credit for the results of the legislative session, what do you feel about that? Sviggum: Shawn, first of all I...

Speaking with the Speaker

Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle sat down with House Speaker Steve Sviggum to discuss the aftermath of the Special Session and other political topics. To read the text of Part One of the interview click here…. This content is for Monthly General...

More Youthful Accomplishments

Former Minnesota Young Republican Chair Brian McClung was selected in mid-June as the Treasurer for the National Young Republicans. McClung was the only candidate contested on the entire slate and fended off a challenge from a southern contingent quite handily....

Colling Candidate for DNC

Dave Colling has decided to make a bold step and vie for the male Democratic National Committee seat in the Young Democrats of America. If he is successful he will expand the representation for Minnesota within national Democratic politics. There is a website for his...

Heading the Long Effort

Bob Cudahy has once again decided to come to the aid of his friend former Councilmember Bob Long (DFL-St Paul) and manage his campaign for St Paul Mayor. Previously, Cudahy was the legislative aide for Long in 1990-94. Currently, he is a teacher in the St. Paul School...

You Heard it Here First

If you were surprised to learn Councilmember Jerry Blakey (R-Ward 01, St Paul) had decided to change stripes and align with the Republican Party you haven’t been reading the Player’s Page. This week, Blakey made it official and announced it to the world. We understand...

Another Union Official Set to Retire

Minneapolis Central Labor Union President Dick Johnson is going to announce his retirement at the July 11th Executive Board Meeting. We are not sure of the candidates who will line up to replace him, but we will keep our readership apprized. Johnson is committed to...

Teachers Weigh In

Education Minnesota held a press conference earlier in the week to inform people that they were preparing to begin their endorsement process nearly a year before the election. The teacher’s union felt it was imperative for their organization to step forward and send a...