Kennedy for Senate

Here is an interesting item, which has come our way.  Freshman Congressman Mark Kennedy (R-MN02) is a name being brought up as a possible challenger to US Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN). Some say Kennedy has taken the Republicans by storm in Washington DC. He flew with...

Something Really Smells Here

The issue arising between the city of St Paul and Gopher State Ethanol may not be an isolated incident. It appears the Capitol City is not the sole recipient of offensive odors. In fact, as more information is being reported on this issue people in other communities...

Need for Virtual Architecture

We spoke with Sen Terri Bonoff (DFL-43, Minnetonka) about a forward-thinking piece of legislation calling for a Constitutional Amendment to “providing for public debt to be incurred for public information technology systems, licenses, and infrastructure.” We...

Kelliher Hires a Floor Person

Emma Greenman formerly of Wellstone Action joined the Margaret Anderson Kelliher Campaign yesterday. We understand she will be helping establish the campaign floor strategy for MAK. This is an interesting hire especially for those who think Jeff Blodgett in effect...

Chasing the DFL Delegate Numbers

We learned a long time ago in politics the only way to get anything is to first ask for it. So we called the various campaigns to try and find out their respective numbers in the fight for the DFL Party endorsement. We received a varied response. Some would not...

Can the DFL Lead?

When people look to Washington, D.C. they see the same situation there as they do here in Minnesota with one limited exception and that is the lack of a Chief Executive of the same political party. In Washington, Democrats have large legislative majorities just as...

Pawlenty Weighs in with House Republicans

Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) traveled to the third floor of the State Capitol yesterday to meet with members of the Republican House Caucus. He spent forty minutes discussing a range of issues with the membership, but mainly bolstering their support for his actions on...

A Flavor of the Revenue Forecast Press Conferences

The DFL leadership met with reporters at 2:00 pm in room 181 of the State Office Building. Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller (DFL-59, Minneapolis) opened his comments saying, “Nothing exciting in the forecast.” He reiterated the fact the state deficit is nearly...

What Did We Learn in the GAMC Vote?

Yesterday’s vote to override Governor Tim Pawlenty’s (R-MN) veto on General Assistance Medical Coverage (GAMC) was a risky decision by leadership in the House, which was destined to fail on sharp political grounds. With a veto-proof majority in the Senate, the entire...

Can the DFL Lead?

When people look to Washington, D.C. they see the same situation there as they do here in Minnesota with one limited exception and that is the lack of a Chief Executive of the same political party. In Washington, Democrats have large legislative majorities just as...