Pre-2015 February Revenue Forecast

Legislative leaders receive the February Revenue forecast for 2015 shortly. The House Majority is getting there update at 9:30 am, staff at 10:00 am and the DFL minority at 10:15 am. There will be a public press conference at 11:00 am It is expected to show additional...

Dayton Set for a Bonding Bill in the Odd-Year.

During his Budget Address Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) referred to a forthcoming Bonding Bill a number of times. He said he would be bring it forward in three weeks. This is an interesting variable in the Budget negotiations. Traditionally, Bonding Bills for capital...

Minnesota Versus Wisconsin

Hashtag This. #MNvsWI With Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) as a potential candidate for President in 2016 a comparison between Minnesota (MN) and Wisconsin (WI) is well warranted. Walker’s approach to government and Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) can not be more...

Sen. Tomassoni’s New Gig

There is a bit of ballyhoo over Senator David Tomassoni (DFL-06, Chisholm) new position as Executive Director for the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS), because of the organizations role in advocacy and petitioning the government. The issue at...

Check & Balances 2014 Predictions

We tend to stay away from prognostication, mainly because we do not like to be wrong. The 2014 election in Minnesota will not be like the 2010 mid-term election.  This go-round Republicans will not have a lot to cheer about. Let u be clear, as we have been since June...

How Will Early Voting Affect the Results of the 2014 Elections?

This morning’s report from the Secretary of State’s office shows some interesting numbers for the 2014 election. There were 289,324 ballots requested as of 8:00 AM 221,059 or 76.41% have been returned. If we compare this to a comparable off year election, with a US...

Republican Legislative Majorities Require a Statewide Leader

With the prognostication about the potential legislative majority shift, we thought an analysis of past elections could prove this hill to be quite steep for House Republicans. The principal reason is the lack of a strong candidate at the top of the ticket driving...

Some Republicans Lobbyists Fighting for Their Livelihood

The results of the 2012 election brought about one-party rule (DFL) in St Paul and many Republican lobbyists found themselves in dire straits with the significant loss of clients. This meant their influence fell largely on deaf ears for the last two legislative...