MN Legislators Pay Less than that of a Seattle Barista

This November voters will be asked to vote on a Constitutional Amendment to create an independent commission to set the salaries for legislators pay. Now many people will point out legislators work only part-time, which is not true because their responsibilities are...

Precinct Caucus v Primary is a Specious Argument

DFL Party Chair Ken Martin has it right when he is calling for two events regarding Presidential delegate selection. The idea of a Presidential Primary is not a new one; it was the child of Pat Forciea and Gary Cervenik in 1988 and resulted in great political lists...

The Politics Behind a Confined Community

The recent Supreme Court ruling on the Evenwel v. Abbot, a Texas Redistricting case, in this case Abbot is the former Texas Attorney General now Governor Greg Abbot (R-TX) is the fact a normally divided court on an 8-0 decision knocked down a partisan by redistricting...

Super Tuesday 2016

The reason tonight is called Super Tuesday because the major political parties sought a vehicle for early consolidation of support for their respective candidates. Because the delegate selection is metered out over a course of months, the thought was to lump a number...

How MN National Delegates Are Selected

A week from today, interested persons will gather in churches, classrooms and community centers across the state of Minnesota for precinct caucuses to start the process for delegate selection which ultimately leads to national delegate selection. The determining...

Clinton’s Campaign is Playing It By the Numbers

In ideology politics between parties, a tactic found most successful is to co-opt the core issues of the opposing party and reconfigure them as your own. On the battlefield this could be seen as a flanking maneuver. This was an effective tactic, when political party...

What Do MN Senate Republicans and Donald Trump Have in Common?

The answer to the question of: What What Do MN Senate Republicans and Donald J Trump Have in  Common?, is well you tell a lie enough times it doesn’t become the truth. The bald-faced lie they continue to perpetuate is their intractability on moving from the...

Finally, A City Wise Enough to Reject Ranked Choice Voting

Our publisher Shawn Towle, was born in Duluth, and he was watching last night’s election results in the Zenith City will great interest. Mainly, because he hoped for Ranked Choice Voting to finally fail in a municipal election. Additionally, he was also watching...

The DNC Descends in the Mill City

There will be Democrats far and wide in Minneapolis this weekend for the Democratic National Committee Summer meeting. We will not be surprised if some wander over to the Great Minnesota Get-Together in St Paul. The candidates for the Democratic Presidential...