Minnesota Report


Federal dollars usually come with a string attached and that is a state match. On Tuesday, MNDOT Commissioner Margaret Anderson Kelliher identified $1 billion in need for bridge repair, in the land of the 35W Bridge collapse. If this is the starting point for discussions on a Bonding Bill, then the $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure package currently being debated in Congress will be a worthy addition to the calculus.

Our state’s infrastructure has significantly diminished to the point where people leaving the state in any direction be it, on 94 East into Wisconsin, 35 South to Iowa, Highway 90 to South Dakota or 94 West to North Dakota can no longer make their own comparisons to the higher quality of roads here in the Land O’ 10,000 lakes.

When we live in a state with five seasons and the fifth being Road Construction, we al know the pangs of traffic delays, but if the bill passes Congress and the legislature passes a sizable Bonding Bill and construction crews work in night time hours when traffic is lower, we might see marked improvements.