Minnesota Report

On Monday, Attorney General Keith Ellison (DFL-MN), Rep Emma Greenman (DFL-63B, Minneapolis), Sen. Clare Oumou Verbeten (DFL-66, St Paul) and Department of Labor and Industry Commissioner Nicole Blissenbach held a press conference about employer misclassification fraud.

Now, to some this is the gig economy, which provides freedoms and opportunities not found in the traditional workplace, but to others, specifically the employees who are forced into 1099 or Independent Contractor roles, it is far different.

In legislation HF4444/SF4483 a more defined identification of the work, the ability of oversight between different state agencies and enforcement provisions are outlined. During the press conference we broached the question about where or not this was a bill targeted at Uber/Lyft and this is addressed by Greenman at the tail-end of the press conference.

The entirety of the press conference can be viewed here