National & Minnesota Politics

The collective breath of the Democratic Party was released on Sunday, when President Joe Biden (D), made known his decision to not continue his reelection campaign, and in turn endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris (D). When Biden campaigned in Michigan in 2020, he self-labeled when he said, “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else…There’s an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. They are the future of this country.”

As Biden, clearly places the interests of our nation ahead of himself, he is in a clear position to enter the history books in the company of other Presidents the likes of George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, and Lyndon Baines Johnson, as those who ended their own pursuit of the office.

The most significant question, which is now center-stage is who Harris will select for a running-mate. The list of candidates is fairly robust. We expect the choice will be a white male, governor from a strategic state, likely a swing state. The names being floated contain a number of our nation’s governors.

Gov Andy Beshear (D-KY)
Gov Roy Cooper (D-NC)
Gov Josh Shapiro (D-PA)
Gov Tim Walz (D-MN)

In addition to

Sen Mark Kelly (D-AZ)

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

One name discussed previously is Gov Gavin Newsom (D-CA), but he is not eligible due to the 12th Amendment which precludes both the President and Vice-President coming from the same state.

Now, the stage is set for Convicted Felon Donald J Trump (R) to face-off against a former California Prosecutor. Now, the question is will this become an ongoing litany of episodes of Law & Order, LA Law or Perry Mason. We expect Trump will prove the coward, of which he is, and refuse to have any additional debates, because Harris  is too much of a wild card.

One simple fact exists, the Biden/Harris team beat Trump/Pence once and the contest for 2024 features one old guy, his sidekick JD Vance (D-OH) versus Harris/? This soon to be answered question, will make the Democratic Convention in Chicago look more like a love fest than the Republican Convention was in Milwaukee.

The whole concept of Strength v Weakness, just took a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

The Race is On.