If the standard in our country is innocent until proven guilty, then its the standard, but in politics which plays by different rules, its a public relations game based on the art shaping perception. Right now, Sen Nicole Mitchell (DFL-47, Woodbury) is faces challenges on many fronts. First, she has a court case, and depending on the result in that arena, her political future could be predetermined. If convicted of a felony she will be forced to resign from her senate seat or suffer expulsion by her colleague Senators. Secondly, again dependent on the results in court what her political salience is.

If it is proven, she exercised poor judgment, stupidity is not a crime. If she is found guilty of a lesser crime then she is subject to the results of that outcome. For instance if it is trespassing, which can be as much as a gross misdemeanor, is not a felony. Now, it is clear and evident, this is a family dispute, which tends to bring high amounts of emotion into the equation, the public, once the full facts are known, may be willing to overlook this indiscretion, as have legislators who were convicted of DWI’s and then been reelected have experienced.

Is it politically expeditious for DFL Party Chair Ken Martin to call for Mitchell’s resignation? Absolutely. The purpose of political parties are to get people elected to office. Recent history has shown, the DFL does win special elections and the preceding article reflects this in legislative contests. As we have shown although there is a difference in the course of time. i.e. 1990’s, 2000’s pre-Trump and during the Trump era.

Here is the release.

DFL Calls for Sen. Mitchell’s Resignation

Today, Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin called for the resignation of Sen. Nicole Mitchell.

DFL Chairman Ken Martin: “The Minnesota DFL believes that all elected officials should be held accountable, including members of our own party. While Sen. Mitchell is entitled to her day in court, her continued refusal to take responsibility for her actions is beneath her office and has become a distraction for her district and the Legislature. Now that her constituents have had full representation through the end of the legislative session, it is time for her to resign to focus on the personal and legal challenges she faces.”