Dominican Republic Report on Minnesota

Well, not being in Minnesota for the Revenue Forecast might seem like a problem, but since it’s only a numerical report, which is available online, no biggie. I would have a replacement in Elize Bierbaum, if she would learn to clear her voicemail or answer her texts, Facebook, or listen to the heavens when I shout her name. If anyone knows her and gets through to her your assistance will be greatly appreciated, mainly because she will be able to edit my work. Yes, I know Rich Ginsburg, Checks & Balances should be renamed Spell CHecks & Balances. FYI, Friday is C&B’s 29th year of existence.

I believe the state will once again be in the black despite the significant expenditures made last legislative session. But due to the competence of Governor Tim Walz and the DFL Majorities led by Speaker Melissa Hortman and Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic
Since my favorite number is 6 I believe $6 million will be the projected surplus if not now in February, because the inflationary impact will have softened and even with it our economic performance has been stellar and more stable than other states in the nation.