National Report

In the 34 count felony indictments it was complete surprise to hear all of the charges resulting in conviction. Even one was a surprise and simultaneously a sever disappointment, because it shows directly how Donald J Trump (R) manipulated electorate by purchasing the silence of more than one person who had a story to tell voters prior to November 08, 2016. This reality further undermines people’s faith in the nations electoral institutions. The force of one man’s ability to tilt the system, through the use of money is a reinforcement many claims against the system, coupled with his constant false assertions against election integrity.

It’s a perfect storm. The left and the right align in a flawed hostility pact. A vote for Trump is totally and completely a cynical view of the system.

Moments ago President Joe Biden (D) said the following in the White House, “Donald Trump, was found guilty and “it’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible, for anyone to say this is rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.” Additionally, he made a significant point, “Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself’ and ‘no one is above the law.”

Now, Trump may still vote in Florida because the Sunshine State allows convicted felons to vote as per the laws of the state where they were convicted. As long as Trump is still free from incarceration, he can vote, once he is behind bars the situation changes. Additionally, because the convictions occurred in state court, if he were to be elected, he can not pardon himself for these crimes, as opposed to the charges being brought in federal court.

Now, as a convicted felon, Trump adds to his cache of monikers which include but are not limited to traitor, insurrectionist in chief, liar, and malignant narcissist. The Diapered Don now has a greater weight to bear and hopefully it is significant enough for him to lose support from the more thoughtful voters who are sitting on the fence rather than choosing to sit this election out.