Governor Dayton’s Reflection

During what we believe may be his last Press Conference we asked Governor Mark Dayton (DFL-MN), who was the Commissioner for the Department of Energy and Economic Development under Governor Rudy Perpich (DFL-MN), “What would you say to Governor Perpich at this...

What Senators Will be Under the Gun This Season, i.e. Session

There are two state Senator’s who will clearly be in painful positions this legislative session and their respective House colleagues will be in opportune positions to test their pain thresholds. Senators Paul Anderson (R-44, Plymouth) and Dan Hall (R-56, Burnsville)...

December Revenue Forecast Postponed One Day

The Minnesota Department of Revenue will postpone the announcement of the December Revenue Forecast until Thursday out of respect for the funeral of the 41st President George H W Bush (R). Here is the formal announcement. ST PAUL – In respect and remembrance of...

Persell Survives Recount

Former Rep John Sterling Persell Jr (DFL-05A, Bemidji) will return to St Paul in January for his fifth term after surviving a razor-thin recount against Rep Matt Bliss (R-05A, Pennington). On election night the margin between the two was 8 votes in favor of Persell...