Checks & Balances Stress Reliever Pictures

Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle presents Orator Award to Rep Tom Rukavina Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle presents Orator Award to Sen Roger Moe. Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle presents Orator Award to Rep Tim Pawlenty Senate...

Checks & Balances Session Stress Reliever: Final Reminder

Well, tonight’s the night of the Checks & Balances Session Stress Reliever. It is occurring at the Rathskeller of the Minnesota Brewing Company located at 882 W. 7th Street in St. Paul. There has been some confusion people are thinking it is in the Rathskeller of...

Lest You Forget

We are having a party on March 30th. Checks & Balances is hosting an event we are calling the Session Stress Reliever at the Rathskeller of the Minnesota Brewing Company. The address is 882 West 7th Street in St. Paul. Our publication is in its fifth year of...

This Session Goes to the Dogs

The lighthearted credit given to Governor’s bulldog, Franklin for helping solve the budget impasse is not the only faithful companion who played a role this legislative session. We would be remiss if we forgot about the tragic demise of Rep. Tom Rukavina’s...

Ranger for a Day

If you attended the Ranger Party at the Prom Center in Oakdale you were afforded the opportunity to show your true colors. There was a choice of two stickers you could adorn as a nametag one said “Ranger” and the other said “Ranger for a Day.”...