Novak Announcement with Another to Follow

Steve Novak (DFL-52, New Brighton) stopped by the Capitol Press Corps today personally to drop off a press release informing the reporters that he will not be a candidate for re-election in the fall.  He said that he would announce his decision on a bid for Congress...

Past Connections, Future Rewards

In 1988, during his tenure as Chief of Staff for Congressman Bruce Vento (D-MN), John Boland supported Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-MO03) in his bid for the Presidency. He was the Minnesota Chair of the Gephardt for President Campaign. That connection may prove...

Lack of Domestic Support

Sen Steve Novak (DFL-52, New Brighton) is in a position where the people that know him the best have decided they would like him to stay just where he is. The Central Committee of SD52 met on Wednesday night and unanimously passed a resolution encouraging the Senator...

Additional Endorsements in the 4th Congressional District

The endorsement fight for the DFL 4th Congressional District may have been the smoothest ever seen in a multi-candidate field, but that doesn’t mean it is time to rest on one’s laurels. By all indications, that is far from endorsee Rep Betty McCollum’s (DFL-55B,...

Fourth Congressional District Analysis

The activities at the 4th Congressional District on Saturday set the stage for great theater. The delegates saw seven candidates all coming together with mainly the same purpose: standing before their peers seeking affirmation and ultimately an endorsement. The...