Mutual Respect

Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) and Sen Steve Novak (DFL-52, New Brighton) had a televised battle of words last week after the Steve Minn confirmation hearing. One interesting point that was addressed by the Governor was the feeling that the Senate Jobs, Energy and...

Independent Action

Former state Senator Steve Novak was known for his wily maneuvers when he was in the legislature. Now that he is the lead on the Government Relations team in Anoka County that doesn’t mean he has lost his edge. It is clear Novak had his problems with...

Filling the Vacancy

The Commissioner of Commerce remains unfilled by Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) since the departure of Dave Jennings. The state Senate dealt with his proposed replacement and rejected the appointment of Steve Minn during the earlier part of the legislative session....

Interesting Political Bests in the City Pages

The Annual City Pages Best of Issue is out and contains some interesting political bits. In the category of Best Feud the corporatized alternative newspaper picks the Steve Minn vs. The Minnesota Senate squabble. In the category of Best Farce they picked the Apple...

Minn Takes it on the Chin

It was surprising that the State Senate needed to take a vote on the appointment for acting Commerce and Department of Public Safety Commissioner Steven Minn. Normally if the relationship between the legislature and a governor deteriorates over an issue both try to...