Legislature Sends Shot Across the Governor’s Bow

Yesterday, Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN ) contacted Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) on the House floor and encouraged her to suspend the debate on the education finance bill in the spirit moving the global budget negotiations...

Where Negotiations Stand 05/14/2008

We posted up with other reporters outside of Governor Tim Pawlenty’s (R) office last evening awaiting the emergence of Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) and Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark (DFL-15, St. Cloud). The two...

A Spate of Late Night Sessions

Last night, the House adjourned shortly before 1:00 a.m. The body recessed just after midnight, to the call of the chair, while Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) met in negotiations with Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) and Senate Majority...