St Paul City DFL Convention Countdown: Day Four

Our interest in the Convention Count Down is building, we have had twice as many people read Day Five and had read Day Six. Leading into the convention this is encouraging for those who value the process, and actually R-E-S-P-E-C-T the delegates and alternates. The...

The City DFL Rules Fight Headed for the Floor

When the St Paul City Council member Dai Thao’s (DFL-Ward 1) and the former City Council member Pat Harris’ (DFL-Ward 3) supporters on the St Paul City DFL Rules Committee colluded together to set the rules to prevent an endorsement, they may have over-played their...

Devaluing the DFL Endorsement

We contend the institution of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in municipal elections, is having a detrimental effect on the value of the DFL endorsement. This election we are expecting the races for mayor in both Minneapolis and St Paul will move forward sans endorsement....

Ranked Voting Story on MPR

Today, MPR ran an interesting story on Ranked Voting. Tonight, the St Paul Charter Commission Committee on Charter Changes meets to discuss the issue…. This content is for Monthly General...

Ranked Choice Voting Articles in Highland Villager

If you are interested in the issues concerning Ranked Choice Voting, we encourage you to pick up a Highland Villager. On Wednesday, the paper came out with an interview with C&B Publisher Shawn Towle’s comments about the call for another referendum on the...