Is There an Opportunity for a Law & Order Candidate in Minneapolis?

Minnesota Report When supporters of Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) declare the system produces majority winners they’re grossly misrepresent the truth. A majority victory (50%+1) has happened here in Minnesota less than 42% of the time when a reallocation of votes occurs....

Three Incumbent DFLers Fail to Secure Endorsement

Minnesota Politics When people lose a DFL endorsement fight they often make claims against the process, shenanigans, or inappropriate actions by their opponents to propel them into a primary contest, especially incumbents. On Friday, Senate Assistant Majority Leader...

DW High

Minnesota Report Yesterday, during the Responsible on Cannabis press conference we coined a new term DW High. We asked the following questions of Rep Carlos Mariani Rosa (DFL-65A, St Paul). Also present were Health and Human Services Chair Rena Moran DFL-65B, St...

Anti-RCV Bill Passes Senate Committee

Yesterday, the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee passed SF3325 on a party line vote of 5-4. Each opponent on the committee deferred to local control, but the problem is election law is set by the legislature and not a locality. Voting...

Frey Wins with Plurality

As expected the race in Minneapolis produced a plurality victor with Council Member (Ward 3) Jacob Frey (DFL) eventually receiving 44.69%. He was followed by Rep. Raymond Dehn (DFL-59A, Minneapolis) eventually had 33.46%. Incumbent Mayor Betsy Hodges (DFL) was dropped...