Hatch in Time Magazine

Actions taken by Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) against Alterra Clare Bridge in Eagan lead to a story in Time Magazine. In an article entitled, Better Than A Nursing Home?; the consumer fraud suit he initiated appears to have led to other such actions...

Its the Consulting Stupid: Or How to Get on the Allina Blacklist

It was interesting to learn last week about the activities undertaken by our state’s largest HMO, Allina, when Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) placed them under the microscope. The basis of Hatch’s inquiries was the expenditure of dollars for outside consultants...

Does MPR Mean Minnesota Public Relations

Another issue we found of interest is a possible link between Minnesota Public Radio and the quest for unfavorable stories on the Attorney General’s office. Now it will be easy to make the linkage by reiterating the fact that Minnesota Public Radio butted heads with...

Attorney General Prepared to Sue

Wednesday morning at an informal gathering between Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) and members of the Capitol Press Corps he informed the assemble he would sue if the United Airlines/US Airways merger went through. The creation of this 900lbs gorilla in the...

Pro Allina Op-Ed

The opinion piece signed by Ted Mondale, Sharon Sayles Belton and Peter McLaughlin may not have been the best political stroke.  It was blatantly a whack at Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) and people closely associated with him are taking names. It won’t be...