Schools to Remain Closed for the Year

Minnesota Report By all appearances Minnesota schools will not be reopened for the 2020 school year.  Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) is expected to announce this later today. This will extend his Stay at Home Order past May 4th and provide additional anxiety to...

76 Days After Wuhan Lock Down

Minnesota Report The Chinese lock down of Wuhan started on January 23, and it is being lifted now after 76 days. Theirs was far more astringent than Governor Tim Walz’ (DFL-MN) Stay-at-Home order on March 27th, but using three months as an indicator, we could be...

As the News Changes, Legislative Work Will Continue

Minnesota Report On Sunday, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) declared  peacetime emergency and he with Commissioners of Education Mary Catherine Ricker¸ Health Jan Malcolm and Employment and Economic Development Steve Grove held a unusual Sunday Press Conference broadcast...