St Paul DFL City Convention Countdown: Day Five

We have received a mixed response to our posting yesterday because we actively sent out the article to St Paul DFL City Convention delegates and alternates. Some were appreciative and thankful and others, bitchy and questioning of the motivation behind the message. We...

St Paul DFL Convention Countdown: Day Six

If you haven’t followed Checks & Balances, we tend to provide the most blanket coverage leading up to and about political conventions. With this as our specialty, we are going to provide a daily package of material about the convention process, what specific...

Thao Affair May Be Poised for Resolution

St Paul City Council member Dai Thao’s (DFL-Ward 1) hit a deep trench Saturday of the second Ward Conventions when questions were raised by KMSP reporter Tom Lyden about where-or-not Thao is a transactional elected official, meaning it’s pay-to-play, and whether his...

The City DFL Rules Fight Headed for the Floor

When the St Paul City Council member Dai Thao’s (DFL-Ward 1) and the former City Council member Pat Harris’ (DFL-Ward 3) supporters on the St Paul City DFL Rules Committee colluded together to set the rules to prevent an endorsement, they may have over-played their...

St Paul City DFL Rules Committee Creates Rules for No Endorsement

We attended last night’s meeting of the Rules Committee of the St Paul City DFL and can conclude the proposed rules are merely the result of collusion between the Dai Thao campaign and the Pat Harris campaign structured to forgo an endorsement at the city convention...