Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Numbers

Here are the fundraising figures from the Pre-Primary reports for the Constitutional Office candidates. In the Governor’s race Congressman TIm Walz (DFL-MN) and former Governor TIm Pawlenty (R-MN) lead the field with sizable advantages. Office Candidate Receipts...

Handicapping the Statewide DFL Primary Races

As we are watching the Primary contests for US Senate, Governor, and Attorney General our attention is often diverted to the Democratic side, because other than the race for Governor on the Republican side, it is far more dynamic. US Senate The race between US Senator...

Pelikan is Responsible for the DFL Filing Frenzy

On Friday night at the DFL Convention in Rochester Attorney General candidate Matt Pelikan (DFL-MN) supporters were openly discussing the possibility of Attorney General Lori Swanson (DFL-MN) filing for Governor instead of AG. During the nominations process Swanson...

Political Filings, My Piece of the Pie

2:43 pm Rep Ilhan Omar (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) now has filed for the 5th CD, Mohamud Noor, one of Omar’s other Primary opponents in 2016 has filed for 60B, we spoke with former Rep Phyllis Kahn (DFL-60B, Minneapolis) and she will not be filing for her old seat....

A Tale of Two Erins

We hear DFL Endorsed candidate has doubled down on the name Erin and tapped fellow freshman Rep Erin Maye Quade (DFL-57A, Apple Valley). Maye Quade is an articulate, sharp debater and instrumental in bringing sexual harassment in the legislature to the foreground. She...