Talking with Sabo About Congress & Legislature

Checks & Balances’ Publisher Shawn Towle sat down with Congressman Martin Sabo to discuss the state of politics in Washington, D.C., Minnesota and other political issues.  The conversation ran the full gamut.  The clear result of the discussion is if anyone is...

Wellstone Set to Fight

Checks & Balances has confirmed with a source in US Senator Paul Wellstone’s (D-MN) office that he will be seeking re-election in 2002. He is set to officially announce at 12:00 PM at the Louisiana Cafe in St. Paul. This will open up a host of attacks on him by...

DFL Precinct/Convention Results

The DFL Party instituted a new process this year and moved the precinct caucuses, now called precinct meetings, to the weekend. The information that we have had is a fairly mixed bag. The turnout from the precinct meetings was down from past years and there may have...

Senese Out Who’s In?

The runway is cleared now that DFL Party Chair Dick Senese has declared that he will not seek re-election. This was just a formality he wasn’t expected to vie for the post again. After all of the posturing that has occurred since the November election two...

If I Get to Draw the Map

An interesting piece of paper made its way to C&B. It is a map of the state of Minnesota with eight areas drawn that somewhat resemble Congressional Districts. If this is the case the map stretches the 8th Congressional District from the Arrowhead to the North...