Ominous Omnibus

On Monday, the House Republican Majority proposed a bill, which may prove to be the largest compilation bill in state history. Many were calling it a “Garbage Bill” and it included the following topics: Appropriations, Health Care, Complementary and...

Can A Picture Paint a Thousand Words?

It may if you are talking about the photograph on page 293 book entitled NSP An Illustrated History. On that page, you will find a picture of three NSP Executives and three legislators holding up posters made from the front page of the Red Wing Republican Eagle that...

Twins Had Better Sell

The chief author for the Twin’s Stadium bill in the House Loren Jennings (DFL) HD 18B Harris, expressed a clear opinion on the future of baseball in Minnesota. He said that if the Twins have not signed a deal relocating the Twins by the start of the season the...