Light Rail Drug Use Problem Continues

Minnesota Report So far the law enforcement response to the rampant drug use on the Light Rail System is minimal at best because the perpetrators know the cops are coming. Any regular rider who is plagued by the people who are sleeping on the train, jumping on for a...

Need for Light Rail Conductors

Minnesota Report The call for Ambassadors on the Light Rail lines seems weak and a term that conveys niceties rather than someone in charge. We suggest implementing Conductors rather than glad-handing Ambassadors. A Conductor is defined as “a person in charge of a...

Light Rail Needs Sports Motif

If light rail transit is ever going to get off the ground, it will need a large amount of public support. Since the public clamors for opportunities to name new sports teams, why not name a transit system. In Chicago, it’s called the El, San Francisco the BART and in...