Minnesota Senate Triumvirate

Throughout this legislative session, political pundits and other presumptive political analysts have attributed the pace of this legislative session to Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk (DFL-02, Cook). Many disparaging comments have been directed his way and in spite of...

Bonding Bill and the End of Session

Some ta-do was made of Sen. Leroy Stumpf’s (DFL-01, Plummer) unexpected medical procedure as one thing holding up the Bonding Bill. As we understand it the true obstacle lies in the House and the inability to wrangle together the necessary 91 votes. Capital Investment...

Shuffling Chairmanships

Vic Moore was emphatic in his statement following comments from his boss Sen Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL-02, Erskine), that it is far too early to be worrying about Senate Committee Chair assignments until after the election. There are six committee chairs that are...

Surprise! Ted Mondale Announces

Will the next DFL candidate for Governor please sign in? Former State Senator Ted Mondale is set to formally announce his candidacy for the state’s highest office today. The list of his supporters shows a strong support from greater Minnesota legislators. The...

Surprise! Ted Mondale Announces

Will the next DFL candidate for Governor please sign in? Former State Senator Ted Mondale is set to formally announce his candidacy for the state’s highest office today. The list of his supporters shows a strong support from greater Minnesota legislators. The...