Revisiting Events of the Last Week

Last Thursday, Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) made his last State of the State address. After a number of jokes—which fell painfully flat—a speech by many accounts, existed as not more than a rehash of his last seven speeches, he put forward a proposal for the state’s...

Impact of Veteran’s Memorial Override

The attempt to override the first of the Governor’s Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) vetos from the last legislative session came in the form of a pro-World War II Veterans issue. The people in support of this group of people sought restoration of the funding for a Veteran’s...

Legislature Sends Shot Across the Governor’s Bow

Yesterday, Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN ) contacted Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) on the House floor and encouraged her to suspend the debate on the education finance bill in the spirit moving the global budget negotiations...

Legislature Sends Shot Across the Governor’s Bow

Yesterday, Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) contacted Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) on the House floor and encouraged her to suspend the debate on the Education Finance Bill in the spirit moving the global budget negotiations...

Thanks, But No Thanks

The Rural DFL members of the House are trying to coalesce with their Republican colleagues but without much success. Originally, the two sides were to sit down with each other at a meeting called by Rep Richard “Doc” Mulder (R–21B, Ivanhoe), but the...