Job Change

The ability for someone to move from the land of journalism into to the advocacy side of politics is not always the easiest transition.  Becoming a “flak” after trying to be objective, can cause some problems.   We have seen Cyndy Brucato move from Channel 5 into...

Call Her Batgirl

Last night, armed with only a cell phone DFL Party Communications Director Karen Louise Boothe helped to catch an armed robber. She witnessed the suspect rip off the Subway at 13th St and Hennepin Avenue and jump into a cab. She followed along and saw the 10 police...

It is Simply, Bad PR

We have a new titleholder in the Checks & Balances category What were you thinking? That position goes to DFL Communications Director Karen Louise Boothe. The reason is an opinion article that graced the pages of the Star Tribune on Thursday. Boothe lashed out at...