Cast Your Own Vote

The St Paul Chamber of Commerce website has a new feature it is an online ballot for the 4th Congressional District race. People can log on and state their preference. The Chamber is also sponsoring a debate between the various DFL candidates for Congress at their...

Here She Comes

Earlier this week KARE 11 political reporter Kerri Miller did a story on women in politics and she included potential candidate Rebecca Yanisch in her story. It was surprising since Yanisch isn’t even an announced candidate. This Saturday, January 29th, the DFL...

Media Day

The annual Media Day at the Capitol is set for March 11th. The both the Republican and DFL caucus communication departments put on the event. There will be a panel discussion including Kerri Miller from KARE 11, Pat Sweeney of the St Paul Pioneer Press, Rochelle...

Tight On Message

Bill Hillsman commented on MPR after the election that is was easy to work with Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) because he was a professional and came into the studio to get the spot done. In the matter of a few takes the Ventura had the material for his commercials...

DFL Straw Poll

The DFL is having a straw poll among precinct caucus attendees on March 3rd. The results of the poll may not help the DFL in its cause to strengthen the endorsement process. DFLers who attend precinct caucuses are not immune to issues in the general public. The MPR,...