No Surprise, Legislative Leaders Fail to Make Self-Imposed Deadline

Minnesota Report Aspirational goals are an element of politics and emblematical of how politicians make promises they fail to keep. With Minnesota being the only state in the nation with divided government, the making of a political promise, even a joint one, between...

The Expanding DFL Gubernatorial Field

Other names are being thrown in the ring for Governor. Sen Becky Lourey (DFL–08, Kerrick) is expressing interest in the job now held by Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN). Lourey has been a avid supporter of the right to keep and bear arms, but has come under criticism...

Campaign Finance or Incumbency Protection?

We will start this item off with one of our favorite mantras, “Beware the Unintended Consequences.”  We bring it up to set the stage for an analysis of the Open and Accountable Campaigns bill supported by Governor Jesse Ventura (\IP-MN) and authored in the legislature...

Playing the Abortion Card

The Omnibus Bill also contained abortion language for a “Women’s Right to Know.” The Republican House was expected to pass the issue, but opponents wanted to weaken it if possible. Most of the faith that abortion rights advocates have, for the protection...

Minn Saga Continues

The tireless battle between members of the State Senate and acting Commissioner Steve Minn continues to play out like a theatrical production. Intrigue, allegations, rumors, and threats are all part of the drama. The one question is who is the protagonist? Is it the...