Concern Over Merging Monopolies

National and Minnesota Report Checks & Balances has always been opposed to structural monopolies, whether they be a municipal electric utility with a franchise agreement, a cable company through a franchise agreement or a railroad. Now, with family connections...

Candidate Filings and Primary Challenges

The 2014 campaign officially started yesterday at 4:31 PM, this is when every candidate needed to put their money where their mouth is (pay their filing fee) and officially commence the 2014 campaign season. There were a few surprises, but largely everyone thought to...

What’s Old is New Again

Right now the legislature is focused on budget issues, but we expect politics will start to break out after the Easter/Passover break. We have been asking about what a Congressional District Map will look like from the Republican Majorities. The best we have heard is...

Looking Northward at the 5B Special Election

Voting to fill the vacancy by Rep Tony Sertich (DFL-05B, Chisholm) began this morning at 7:00 am and will end in less than four hours. The three candidates seeking to fill the spot are Paul Jacobson (R), Cynthia Kafut-Hagen (IPMN) and Carly Melin (DFL).  This election...