The Tripartied Government on the NewsNight

Just in case you missed it. All three of the final decision-makers Governor Jesse Ventura, Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL-02, Erskine), and Speaker of the House Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) sat on the NewsNight couch on Monday providing their takes on the...

The Appointment Waiting Game

The trickling out of commissioner appointments carries it own level of intrigue. The close lips of the Ventura transition team are a credit to the people involved in the process. Of course should anyone be interested in leaking any information we will take it here...

Pack Your Bags and Go

With the legislative session starting yesterday and the inauguration over the process of governing has begun. Last week Governor Jesse Ventura (IP) sent out a letter to the 20 department heads saying in effect your services have been appreciated please select a...