Campaign Finance Reports for MN Federal Races

Today, the actual campaign finance numbers for the various federal campaigns are being posted on the site. The numbers started rolling out slowly, but we stepped behind the scenes found information from the raw reports, and we will be updating as any new...

On-Hand for the DFL CD05 Special Endorsing Convention

5:00 pm Omar won the endorsement. 2nd Ballot Votes % Omar 123 68.33% Torres Ray 44 24.44% No Endorsement 13 7.22% Total Votes Cast 180 4:29 pm 1st Ballot Votes % Drake Dropped Omar 107 54.87% Torres Ray 59 30.26% No Endorsement 29 14.87% Total Votes Cast 195 We are...

Special Endorsing Convention in CD05

Whenever the word “Special” is used in politics people should be put on notice. Special is now becoming one of those words whose meaning has changed to the point where it is almost opposite of what it was originally intended. As people try to co-opt words and try to...

Pelikan is Responsible for the DFL Filing Frenzy

On Friday night at the DFL Convention in Rochester Attorney General candidate Matt Pelikan (DFL-MN) supporters were openly discussing the possibility of Attorney General Lori Swanson (DFL-MN) filing for Governor instead of AG. During the nominations process Swanson...