It’s Plausible for Ranked Choice Voting to be Banned in Minnesota

Minnesota Report Anyone who has read Checks & Balances for the last decade knows our Publisher Shawn Towle is a staunch opponent of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and he will be testifying before the State Government Finance Conference Committee on HF1952. The Senate...

On the Floor at the St Paul DFL City Convention

We are sitting on the floor, listening to the last question being asked of the four candidates for the DFL endorsement for mayor, Dai Thao, Tom Goldstein, Pat Harris and Melvin Carter III. The biggest question on the first ballot will be whether Carter achieves 50%...

St Paul DFL City Convention Countdown: Day One

Sorry, we missed Countdown Day Two, but honestly, there wasn’t much new information that came our way to share. Today, as we view the field of candidates, follow the discussion about the pending Rules fight, prepare ourselves for the role we intend to play, and survey...

St Paul City DFL Convention Countdown: Day Four

Our interest in the Convention Count Down is building, we have had twice as many people read Day Five and had read Day Six. Leading into the convention this is encouraging for those who value the process, and actually R-E-S-P-E-C-T the delegates and alternates. The...