Impact of Veteran’s Memorial Override

The attempt to override the first of the Governor’s Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) vetos from the last legislative session came in the form of a pro-World War II Veterans issue. The people in support of this group of people sought restoration of the funding for a Veteran’s...

A Useful History Lesson

We have marked the lack of civility at the legislature, especially in the House on a number of occasions. We attribute much of the acrimony to three issues:  1) Selection of Rep. Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) as House Minority Leader in 1993. 2) The Contract with...

The Futility of Debating Hypotheticals

It started in the State Senate when Sen Dave Kleis (R–16, St. Cloud) arose on the floor to challenge the proposed map for legislative district brought forward by Sen Larry Pogemiller (DFL–59, Minneapolis). Kleis read into the record criticisms of the plan by former...

Aborted Coup

There are few places where you can get the story behind the story in politics. We hope Checks & Balances can help to fill in some of the gaps. The opening of the 2001 Minnesota Legislature began with its own bit of intrigue on the House side. The DFL House Caucus...

Failed UniSLAMeral

During the most tumultuous period in our nation’s history, President Abraham Lincoln (R) said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand…” He was referring to the impending destruction of the United States of America because of the secession of the...