Repya Entering Governor’s Race

Former Minnesota Republican Party Chair candidate and retired Veteran of both Iraq and Vietnam Joe Repya will enter the fray for the Independence Party endorsement for Governor. He contacted us early this morning to announce his plans. We had speculated his mulling of...

The 2002 Independence State Convention

We attended the Independence Party Convention in St. Cloud. Unlike the DFL and Republican Party Conventions, which were held in Convention Centers, this one was staged in an auditorium on the St. Cloud State College Campus.  It had the size and feel of a local State...

Constitutional Officers in Action

Both Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) and Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) have said publicly that they will take a personal interest in the legislative races in this fall’s elections. Ventura is targeting both DFLers and Republicans who fail to support his...

Recruiting Jesse Style

People opening the Sunday Metro section of the Star Tribune were greeted by a recruitment letter from Jesse Ventura for the Independence Party of Minnesota. The text of the ad reads “We can change things for the better by electing just a handful of Independence...