Minn Saga Continues

The tireless battle between members of the State Senate and acting Commissioner Steve Minn continues to play out like a theatrical production. Intrigue, allegations, rumors, and threats are all part of the drama. The one question is who is the protagonist? Is it the...

Jesse’s Really Big Show

The event was staged more like a WWF cage match than a gubernatorial inaugural party. That is not to say that more stuffed shirts make a good event. A vast array of people from all walks of life poured into the Target Center on Saturday night. A group of three drag...

Stud Ban Repeal Underway

During the 1998 legislative session,  the legislature passed legislation to place a ban on snowmobile studs. The idea passed fairly easily through the process. Those who consider themselves to be fiscally responsible argued for the cost-savings for counties who needed...

What a Lobbyist Really Needs to Know

Now that the session has official started lobbyist are scrambling to establish a rapport with the newly selected Committee Administrators. The list of people was not made official until the start of session. We had it earlier than that, but with all of the activity we...