The Devil is in the Details

The agreement between Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN), House Speaker Steve Sviggum (R–27B, Kenyon) and Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL–02, Erskine) on the 2002-03 Budget and Tax Bill is only in broad parameters. The two sides may have struck a compromise, but the...

The Governor Gets Biblical

We have been able to ferret out the Governor is set to take King Solomon like approach and is going to propose that they split the baby in half and see which side truly wants to let the child live or in real terms the session to end. Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) has...

Surprise, There is a Special Session

There wasn’t a train wreck this legislative session, the engine was moving far too slowly. It was more like a slow-motion engine driven off of the tracks. The spending bills for this legislative session are not the reason things were held up, that credit goes to the...