Playing the Abortion Card

The Omnibus Bill also contained abortion language for a “Women’s Right to Know.” The Republican House was expected to pass the issue, but opponents wanted to weaken it if possible. Most of the faith that abortion rights advocates have, for the protection...

Minn Takes it on the Chin

It was surprising that the State Senate needed to take a vote on the appointment for acting Commerce and Department of Public Safety Commissioner Steven Minn. Normally if the relationship between the legislature and a governor deteriorates over an issue both try to...

Missed Opportunity

The House Republican caucus lost a prime politically opportunity to have someone readily available to do their dirty work and not be caught in the splashing mud. Rep. Doug Reuter (I-28A, Owatonna) has made it clear that he will lob bombs at any target that he sets his...

Shifting Loyalties

Sen Dean Johnson (DFL-16, Willmar) announced today that he will be leaving the Republican Party and joining the DFL. Johnson has been at odds with the Republican Senate Caucus since his ouster as Minority Leader. The reward for the change will result in his chairing...

At It Again

In what may be the beginning of a tradition, Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe and the Independent Caucus of One, Senator Charlie Berg, collided over Berg’s assignments. Berg rose for a point of personal privilege, questioning his exclusion from the prestigious...