Past Gubernatorial Elections

Minnesota Report Republicans have not won a statewide race since 2010, and then only through a plurality. x The best way to view this is through the election results of the past four elections. FYI, in his two elections, Mark Dayton (DFL-MN) also won election by...

2003 Inaugural Activities

The Tim Pawlenty (R) inauguration is the start of a new Administration facing a steep budget deficit, but ripe with promise.  In his speech, Pawlenty laid out a broad set of principles and goals long on rhetoric and short on specifics.  The even only had one hitch and...

The Side Dramas of the Special Session

The legislative Special Session has been marked by a number of fits and starts. The leadership has pushed the resolution all the way to the end and that is exactly what we expected. Today, during the Tax Bill debate, the DFL minority sought to amend the bill and after...