Anti-RCV Bill Passes Senate Committee

Yesterday, the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee passed SF3325 on a party line vote of 5-4. Each opponent on the committee deferred to local control, but the problem is election law is set by the legislature and not a locality. Voting...

Senate Legislative Hang up

The Senate will not be meeting to do business this afternoon because the Senate majority is short one member. Sen. Carla Nelson (R-26, Rochester) will not be available later in the day. This shows how one vote truly matters…. This content is for Monthly General...

Because of Trump, the DFL Senate Majority is Expanding its Target List

The 2016 Target List for the DFL was originally set at 24 and has now been expanded to 26. Additionally, four other seats have risen to higher priorities and more likely victories because of the candidacy of Donald J. Trump (R). Recent polling reveals a far stronger...

Nelson, First On Bonding Conference Committee, Then Off

Senator Carla Nelson (R-26, Rochester) was the sole vote in favor of the $1.5 million Bonding Bill and this generally means, when you vote for the bill you are eligible for the conference committee. This was in effect initially, the majority put Nelson on the Capital...