Defining Actions

Many people have criticized the Governor’s approach to dealing with the legislature. They considered he and his office to be fairly nonexistent throughout much of the session. Many of his proposals were broad philosophic positions, which were short on specifics....

Last Words on the Session

The legislative session went right up to the midnight deadline. Outside of the Capitol nighthawks were putting on an aerial display swooping and diving for insects in the bright lights shining on the Georgia marble of our state house. The last-minute posturing was...

Minority Gets Nada

Earlier in the session, the House Republican Conservatives and the DFL joined sides opposing the Governor’s Deficiency Bill. People should not be surprised were that to happen again. There is little rationale for DFLers in the House or Republicans in the Senate...

The Dance in State Government Finance

In politics, it usually pays to play the good soldier. That way a person can be considered the “go-to guy.” This legislative session Rep. Phil Krinkie (R-53A, Shoreview) proved time and time again that he could get the job done for House leadership. It...

By the Numbers

Now that the deal is done and firm targets are in place the Conference Committees can stop going through the motions of meeting for the sake of meeting. They have exhausted many hours going over policy concerns and non-controversial items while waiting for an accurate...