A Deal, A Deal, A Deal

The analysis of the 1/3-1/3-1/3 agreement isn’t being received well in all places. There is a lot of grousing about the deal now that the full impact of the decision is being understood. Not only is it precedence setting, it has a possibility of isolating each side of...

Budget Numbers

Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL–02, Erskine) generated interest in the media at 11:15 am on Friday with his proposal to equally split $525 million between all three entities. The $525 dollar figure is still the $549 minus funding for Katie’s Law and the debt...

If It Should All Blow Up

If the legislative session were to come to an impasse, there will be plenty of blame to pass around. The air will be filled with rhetoric and the political spin. The legislative leaders will return to their homes leaving the Governor alone in the State Capitol with...

Political Positioning

The negotiations between the state House and Senate are in a constant state of flux as the end of the session draws near. On Tuesday, the session seemed to be headed for a dive over the cliff, and the telegraphed punch that Speaker Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) had...

This Session Goes to the Dogs

The lighthearted credit given to Governor’s bulldog, Franklin for helping solve the budget impasse is not the only faithful companion who played a role this legislative session. We would be remiss if we forgot about the tragic demise of Rep. Tom Rukavina’s...