Governor Tim Walz 2023 State of the State Address

Minnesota Report Last night, Governor Tim Walz (DFL-MN) returned to the House Legislative Chamber to deliver his State of the State address. It was clear from the tenor of the speech, the highlights of accomplishments were far greater with DFL control of the...

On-Hand for the DFL CD05 Special Endorsing Convention

5:00 pm Omar won the endorsement. 2nd Ballot Votes % Omar 123 68.33% Torres Ray 44 24.44% No Endorsement 13 7.22% Total Votes Cast 180 4:29 pm 1st Ballot Votes % Drake Dropped Omar 107 54.87% Torres Ray 59 30.26% No Endorsement 29 14.87% Total Votes Cast 195 We are...

One Clear Fact, CD05 Will Be Represented By a Woman

An understanding of CD05 warrants a look back at the Primary of 2006. When Congressman Martin Olav Sabo (D-MN05) decided not seek reelection after 14 terms of office a field of seven candidates emerged to replace him. After a successful endorsement battle Rep Keith...

Special Endorsing Convention in CD05

Whenever the word “Special” is used in politics people should be put on notice. Special is now becoming one of those words whose meaning has changed to the point where it is almost opposite of what it was originally intended. As people try to co-opt words and try to...