Minnesota Report 9:19 am Michael Bloomberg (D-NY) is out of the Democratic Presidential contest. When people looked at the Vice-President Joe Biden (D) campaign last week, it was on life-support and people were ready to put a fork in it. The field of candidates was...
National and Minnesota Report Tonight, it will be hard to fully access the depth of US Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) support in the Primary election, because the results will roll-in sporadically, but we believe watching the early returns will be the best indicator,...
National and Minnesota Report Last night, US Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stood in center stage at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium as a victor. He came on a prescheduled appearance to challenge US Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) on her home turf and because she ended her campaign...
National Report With the current list of 2020 Democratic candidates being sixteen long, with at least one more (former Vice-President Joe Biden) waiting in the wings, the activities for winnowing the field will be quite strenuous. The ability for any candidate to...
National Report Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) entered the Presidential field with quite a splash, but he also has a backdrop. Because we are nearly 11 months before the start of the 2020 Presidential cycle we will see if his candidacy gains traction or...