May 28, 2021
Minnesota Report The DFL House Majority and its respective committee chair are suffering from a dosage of fear factor and it stems from the failure of the majority to pass State Aid For Emergencies (SAFE) HF0445 back in February. The fact six member of the DFL Caucus...
Aug 13, 2020
Minnesota Report It’s likely to have been due to his gender, but of the 40 Primary contests 23 in the House and 17 in the Senate and of the three contested House Primaries with DFL endorsed Incumbents, Rep John Lesch (DFL-66B, St Paul) was the only liability losing to...
Jul 29, 2020
Minnesota Report The pre-Primary filings for the different parties and caucuses are in and as it is our tradition we compile them for your perusal. House Seats House District 1A (Open) Republican Contest Candidate John Burkel (GOP Endorsed) Beginning Cash 0.00 Total...